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Information Technology

Southeast Tech Data Storage Policy

The Southeast Tech Information Technology Department developed a data storage infrastructure (datacluster) that enables faculty, staff, and students to store and access data in a secure and protected directory. This data storage can be accessed from any desktop/laptop that has access to the Southeast Tech secure network, provided that users login with their Southeast Tech username and password. All individual data storage directories are tied to Southeast Tech username and password. Please refer to the Southeast Tech Technology Resource Policy for definition what desktop/laptops have access to the Southeast Tech secure network.

Student Data Storage Policy
Students will have access to 500MB of email storage and 500MB of data storage on the Datacluster. These quotas will not be increased under any circumstances. In addition, employees will have access to 500 GB of data storage through their Southeast Tech One Drive provided by Microsoft.All storage quotas are set as a Southeast Tech Policy. Users who approach or exceed their storage limit will receive an email notification notifying that they are approaching or exceeded the storage limit. Users will not be able to save additional data on their home folder until storage has been freed up. Users will be able to move data from their home folder to another location (hard drive, CD-ROM, flash drive) to free up storage space. No files will be deleted by the Southeast Tech I.T. Department.The data storage infrastructure is intended for educational data only. It is not intended to archive large amounts of non-critical or personal data including the storage of personal pictures, videos, music, or any other non-educational material.Student data is backed up on a daily basis in anticipation of potential system-wide disaster recovery. The Southeast Tech I.T. Department will put a good faith effort to recover lost or accidentally deleted files, individual users should develop contingency data backup procedures.The Southeast Tech I.T. Department reserves the right to suspend email and network data storage access if illegal data is stored in these locations. Storage of illegal or copyrighted materials outside of individual ownership or academic use is prohibited.Student data will be removed upon graduation or termination from Southeast Tech. E-mail accounts for graduating students will stay active for one semester beyond their graduation date.
Revision History:
April 3, 2009 Policy effective date
July 21, 2009 Changed Student storage limit from 1GB to 500MB


Technology resources at Southeast Tech include, but are not limited to, the following: network, Internet, computer hardware, application software, printers, servers, data files, stored text, electronic mail, local databases, externally accessed databases, CD/DVD ROM, optical media, clip art, digital images, digitized information, Southeast Tech hosted web space, communications technologies, and any new technologies as they become available.

The use of Southeast Tech’s technology resources is a privilege, not a right. The privilege of using the technology resources provided by Southeast Tech is not transferable or extendible to people or groups outside Southeast Tech without authorized permission from the Director of Information Technology/CIO or the President of Southeast Tech. This privilege terminates when a student is no longer enrolled at Southeast Tech. This policy is provided to make all users aware of the responsibilities associated with efficient, ethical, and lawful use of technology resources. If a person violates any of these provisions, privileges may be terminated, access to the Southeast Tech network may be denied, and other appropriate disciplinary action shall be applied, according to the Southeast Tech discipline policy.

User Terms and Conditions
The use of Southeast Tech’s technology resources is subject to the following terms and conditions:

The use of technology resources must be for educational and/or research purposes consistent with the mission, goals, and objectives of Southeast Technical College along with State and Federal regulations. In compliance with federal law, Southeast Tech shall operate a technology protection measure that blocks or filters Internet access. The technology protection measure shall protect against access by adults and minors to content that is abusive, obscene, profane, sexually explicit, threatening, illegal or pertains to pornography. Southeast Tech shall make every effort to restrict access to inappropriate materials and shall monitor the online activities of the end users; however, it is impossible to control all materials on a global network. Therefore, Southeast Tech shall not be liable for the content or viewing of any materials not prepared by Southeast Tech. Disciplinary action may be taken against students whose on-site or off-site communication causes a substantial disruption to the education environment or interferes with another student’s rights. Criminal action may be taken against students if their on-site or off-site communication constitutes a threat.
User accounts are considered the property of Southeast Tech. Southeast Tech reserves the right at any time to review the subject, content and appropriateness of electronic communications or other computer files and remove them if warranted, reporting any violation to the school administration or law enforcement officials.

User accounts of Southeast Tech graduates will remain active through one term following graduation.

Students who withdraw, terminate enrollment or are expelled will have their account disabled immediately.

Persons using the Southeast Tech’s network shall have no expectation of privacy or confidentiality in the content of electronic communications or other computer files sent and received on the Southeast Tech network.

Prohibited technology resource activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

Sending, accessing, uploading, downloading, or distributing offensive, profane, threatening, pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit materials.

Downloading or transmitting multi-player games, music, or non-educational video files using the school network.

Vandalizing, damaging, or disabling property of the school or another individual or organization. Accessing another individual’s material, information, or files without permission.

Using the network or Internet, which also includes Southeast Tech e-mail and/or web pages, to solicit sales or conduct business. Users shall not set up web pages to advertise or sell service.

Releasing files, home address, personal phone numbers, user ID’s, passwords, or other vital information.
Violating copyright or other protected material laws without the express consent or authorization of the owner of the copyrights.

Attempting to repair, remove, or install hardware components reserved for an authorized service technician.
Subscribing to mailing lists, mass e-mail messages, games, or other services that cause excess traffic that can slow the system and waste other users’ time and access.

Users are responsible for all use of the network under their accounts, regardless of whether access is gained with or without the person’s knowledge and/or consent. Immediately notify the I.T. Department if you suspect any unauthorized use of your account. The user shall remain liable and responsible for any unauthorized use until the Southeast Tech Information Department is notified of the suspected unauthorized use and has reasonable opportunity to act upon such notice.

Intentionally damaging equipment or software or intentionally attempting to harm or destroy data of another person. This includes, but is not limited to, “hacking” and the loading or creation of computer viruses. The user who is responsible for the incident will be held liable for damages or cost of correcting the problem.

Attempting to log on to the Internet or network (servers, routers, switches, printers, firewall) as system administrator.
Installing, enabling, launching, or creating programs that interfere with the performance of the network, Internet, or hardware technology resources.
Attempting to defeat computer or network security.
Use of proxy sites or other means to circumvent the Southeast Tech filter.

Attempting to or installing equipment on or making modifications to the Southeast Tech network without pre-authorization from the Southeast Tech’s Director of Information Technology/CIO.

Consequences will vary depending on the severity of the infraction which could include, but is not limited to temporary suspension of access to Southeast Tech Technology resources, referral to law enforcement authorities, and possible long term suspension or expulsion from Southeast Tech.

Southeast Tech does not guarantee that the network will be uninterrupted or error-free; nor does it make any warranty as to the results to be obtained from use of the service or the accuracy or quality of the information obtained on or by the network. Access to the network is provided on an “as is” basis without warranties of any kind. Neither Southeast Tech nor any of its agents or employees shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the network or out of any breach of any warranty.

Security of the network at Southeast Tech is a high priority. Anyone observing a security problem on the Southeast Tech network should notify an instructor or the Southeast Tech Information Technology Department personnel. Any person identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied access to the Southeast Tech network.

Users shall be responsible for any costs, fees, charges, or expenses incurred under the person’s user account in connection with the use of the network except such costs, fees, charges, and expenses as Southeast Tech explicitly agrees to pay.

Laptop Policies
Southeast Tech Laptop Conditional Sales Agreement

Apple Mac Book Pro’s will only be distributed to students who are currently enrolled in Graphics Communications or Animation Technology programs. All other students (laptop included programs and non-laptop included programs) will use a PC laptop.
Laptops that have software or hardware that malfunctions or is damaged must be brought to the Southeast Technical College’s Information Technology Department’s IT Support Center. Southeast Tech will be responsible for repairing computer software or hardware malfunctions under warranty.

Laptops that are under warranty through Southeast Tech must be brought to the Southeast Tech I.T. Support Center for warranty work. Any tampering or removal of laptop parts other than by a certified service technician will void all warranties.

Students who select to bring their own laptop are on their own. Technical support and program specific software are the responsibility of the student.

Laptops that are stolen must be reported immediately to the police department and to Southeast Tech’s IT Support Center.

Laptops and accessories that are under contract with Southeast Tech are to be brought to the Southeast Tech I.T. Support Center when a student graduates, withdraws, terminates enrollment, or is expelled. At that time software that is owned by Southeast Tech and/or the school district will be removed from the student’s laptop.

If a student fails to return the computer at the above mentioned times of departure the student will be charged and/or a hold will be placed on their account for any Southeast Tech owned software applications that are not removed by the Southeast Tech I.T. Support Center. Upon the software removal, the system will be set back to factory settings, including software which was shipped with the system.

Laptops are serviced on a first come first serve basis, and warranty parts are delivered and installed as they are received within the vendor parts return policy.

Student-owned Laptops (non-purchased Southeast Tech laptops)
Students who bring their own laptop to campus will only have access to Southeast Tech Public Wireless Network, which only gives them access to Internet connectivity. Access to all other campus resources i.e (printing and datacluster) will not be available through non- Southeast Tech purchased laptops. To gain access to these campus resources, students must log in with their Southeast Tech username and password on a computer on campus which is on the Southeast Tech secured network. All computer labs and Public Kiosks on campus will be available to all students and are connected to the Southeast Tech secured network.
Students who access the Southeast Tech Public Internet, must have one of the following active and up to date anti-virus programs.

  • Norton Antivirus
  • McAfee VirusScan Plus
  • Tren Micro Internet Security
  • AVG Anti-Virus

Revision History:
February 1, 2008 Policy effective date
March 1, 2009 Added STC Public Wireless Network info

Wireless Network and Internet Access are available throughout buildings on Southeast Tech's campus. Due to the nature of wireless communication, wireless networking requires cooperation between faculty, staff and students in order to fully maximize the benefits of wireless technology.

The wireless network was designed for educational use on campus. The wireless network is a shared resource and is intended to supplement and enhance the existing wired network, not replace it.

The purpose of this policy is to inform the user about the acceptable use of the wireless network at Southeast Tech. This policy has been put in place to protect the staff, faculty, and students; to prevent inappropriate use of wireless network access that may expose Southeast Tech to multiple risks including viruses, network attacks, and various administrative and legal issues.

This policy has been created to expand on the Southeast Tech’s Technology Resource Policy and Acceptable Use Policy by including specific information regarding the use of wireless networking and data access on campus.

This Wireless Usage policy applies to any and all wireless devices and software applications used on campus. It also applies to all staff, faculty, students, and guests at Southeast Tech. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the security, reliability and utilization of the wireless network.

General Use
It is the intention of Southeast Tech’s I.T. Department to provide a high level of reliability and privacy when using the wireless network. Wireless Access Points are distributed across Southeast Tech’s campus in order to provide and maintain connectivity with buildings on campus. Wireless Access Points provide a shared bandwidth. As the number of users increase the available bandwidth per user decreases. Please show consideration for other users and refrain from running high bandwidth applications and operations such as downloading large music files and video from the Internet. Network reliability is determined by the level of user traffic and accessibility. In order to provide an acceptable level of reliability, bandwidth will be regulated according to the application.

Southeast Tech’s I.T. Department cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any information stored on any device belonging to Southeast Tech’s or connected to the Southeast Tech’s Wireless Network.

Southeast Tech Wireless Network (Secured)
The Southeast Tech Wireless Network is Southeast Tech’s secured wireless network. Through this network, all campus resources such as printing and datacluster are available. This network is only accessible to students and employees on Southeast Tech owned machines. Students who complete a conditional sales agreement and receive a laptop through Southeast Tech will have access.

In order to access the Southeast Tech Wireless Network authorized users will be required to login and authenticate with their assigned Username and Password. Usernames and passwords will be assigned by Southeast Tech’s I.T. Department.

Please see the Southeast Tech’s Technology Resource Policy for additional details on acceptable usage relating to passwords.

Guests/Students with non-Southeast Tech purchased laptop
Southeast Tech Public Wireless Network
The Southeast Tech Public Wireless Network is an open network which only Internet can be accessed. Campus resources such as printing and datacluster storage are not available. This network will be available to all guest machines on campus. Students who choose to bring their own laptop to campus will be considered guests and only have Internet access through their laptop. To gain access to other campus resources, students must log in with their Southeast Tech username and password to a computer on campus which is on the Southeast Tech secured network. All computer labs and public kiosks computers on campus will be available to all students and are connected to the Southeast Tech secured network.

In order to access the Southeast Tech Public Wireless Network users must accept and follow the Southeast Tech Technology Acceptable Use Policy on the portal page before gaining access.

All computers that are connected to the Southeast Tech’s Network in any way, whether owned by the user or Southeast Tech, must be running approved anti-virus software with the latest virus updates. Extreme care must be taken when opening email attachments as they may contain a virus.

Approved anti-virus software by Southeast Tech:

  • Norton Antivirus
  • McAfee VirusScan Plus
  • Microsoft Forefront
  • Trend Micro Internet Security
  • AVG Anti-Virus

For security and network maintenance purposes, Southeast Tech’s I.T. Department may monitor and audit individual equipment, systems, and wireless network traffic at any time to ensure compliance with this policy.

Southeast Tech’s I.T. Department has the authority to disconnect any device from the wireless network that violates the practices set forth in this policy or any other related policy. It is the responsibility of the user to be knowledgeable of the information set forth in such policies.

Prohibited Use
All users are subject to the rules laid out in the Southeast Tech’s Technology Resource Policy and other relevant policies. Authorized personnel may be exempt from these restrictions during the course of their work (e.g.: Dept. of Information Technology staff may need to scan the network to troubleshoot performance issues). At no time is any Southeast Tech student or employee to take part in any activity that is illegal under local, state, federal or international law while using Southeast Tech’s resources.

Southeast Tech’s I.T. Department is solely responsible for providing wireless networking services campus-wide. No unauthorized personnel or department may deploy wireless network access points or other wireless service on campus. Private wireless access points in Student Housing or offices are strictly prohibited.

Policy Enforcement
Violations of the rules set forth in this policy may result in the following disciplinary actions being taken by Southeast Tech:

  • Limiting of a person’s access to some or all of the Southeast Tech’s resources.
  • Initiation of disciplinary actions by Southeast Tech up to and including, but not limited to, termination or suspension of employment or enrollment.
  • Criminal prosecution under state and federal laws.

This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis and is subject to change as new technologies and methods of implementing these technologies emerge. Changes that are made to this document must be approved by the Southeast Tech’s Director of Information Technology/CIO and Southeast Tech’s governing bodies.

Revision History:
February 1, 2008 Policy effective date
March 1, 2009 Added STC Public Wireless Network info

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